3D design of your arena

Customers who purchase the VION VR attraction receive not only the equipment, if needed. Our specialists provide a detailed plan of construction works, power and lighting schemes, as well as calculate the full cost of the works.
It is worth noting that you can get a 3D visualization of your future arena. Such a 3D project can include not only the game area, but all zones of the future entertainment center: the reception, dressing room, recreation area and place for other attractions.

In this video, you can see a 3D arena design that our client Anthony shared with us. Anthony is going to open the MARS arena with the VION VR attraction in France already in May.
We can prepare such a project for you!
Learn more about supporting your future project here -https://vion-vr.com/business
We can prepare such a project for you!
Learn more about supporting your future project here -https://vion-vr.com/business