Citadel - new location in the space style!

Fasten your seat belts, we are going to the Citadel! This is a new location for our VION VR system that will appeal to fans of Star Wars, Alien and other science fictions.
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You will give the opportunity to fight for the control room of the spaceship to all players of your VR arena.
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Space suits, weapons, holograms and other futuristic equipment will immerse players in the battle of the future.
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Like all gaming locations, the map attracts a certain target audience to your arena. In the case of the 'Citadel' - it will be fans of the sci-fi theme.

The Citadel map will support all game modes, as 'bots' controlled by the computer, players will be confronted by aliens.

This is how the characters that players will control on this map look like.
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The costume and weapons worked out to the smallest detail will make players feel like a hero of a space battle!
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In a week, we will release a review for another map - 'Office'. Subscribe to our social networks, don't miss news and updates!