VION VR Free test drive of game
Experience the gameplay of the VION VR system! We will send you a trial version of the game that you can install on your headsets.
For a test drive you will need:
- 1. Oculus Quest 2 headsets
- 2. PC or laptop for setup and management
- 3. Wi-Fi router
You can appreciate:
- - Graphic quality of 8 updated maps and game characters
- - Gameplay variability in 5 players vs players game modes
- - New “Zombie Mode” where players fight against zombies controlled by the computer.
- - How easy it is to conduct game session with a Windows application

Test drive roadmap:
- 1. Send a request
- 2. Get a trial application and instructions
- 3. Install software on headsets and computer
- 4. Play for 14 days
- 5. Make a decision